Relay Sockets

1-Source Components, the largest one-stop electronic component distributor and electronic component supplier online, carries a large variety of relay sockets, electrical switches and socket selections to choose from.

Relay sockets are used to intercept the terminals of relays and integrally connect the relay with the socket body. Relay sockets are predominantly used to ensure a secure mechanical connection is made between the relay, mounting panel and relay socket, as well as to provide a secure electrical and mechanical connection between the relay and the discrete wire, and to supply an environmental seal for the discrete wires connected to the relay.

Plug-type relay sockets may include a plastic base member, with plug-in slots within for the reception of flat plugs, and a contact chamber for accepting spring tongue pairs. The contact chambers correspondingly encompass retro-salient patch channels for the reception and locking of catch tongues at opposite side regions.

The relay sockets from 1-Source Electronic Components are engineered to produce perfect results for every use and application. Most feature:

  • Compact, printed circuit design
  • Permanently numbered terminals for quick and easy identification
  • Thermoplastic sockets with closed backs (designed to eradicate panel insulation and defend against breakage)
  • Nickel-plated screw-type terminals on break-resistant barrier-type terminal blocks
  • Can be placed in tracks for insertion of marking strips
  • The greatest relay retention and electrical conductivity

1-Source Electronic Components is your single point of contact for all of your electronic components needs, including any and all relay sockets, electrical switches and socket selections, electric parts, and tool requirements. As one of the most reliable and customer oriented electronic components distributors in the world, we have a vast network of reliable contacts, local sourcing, and O.E.M excess inventoriesi.

Our knowledgeable team is always ready to help you, so when you have a tough requirement, remember us as your first choice for electronic components. Request a quote online or call 888-476-5130 today, and let us know what we can do for you.